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yes as long as it is long enough and has the right rocker. i recommend a regular board tho

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Q: Can you nose ride on a softtop surfboard?
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Related questions

What does the nose on a surfboard do?

The nose is so the surfing board can breath while you are on the water.

Where is the nose on a surfboard?

It's the point at the very front.

What surfboard company does Joel Parkinson ride for?

JS surfboards

What does surfboarding mean in the song Drunken Love?

It's a referral to a sexual position 'ridin on his surfboard" his surfboard is his penis obviously and you know what happens when you ride a penis...

What is a deck on a surfboard?

The deck is the top of the board. The rails are the sides. The tail is the back. The nose is the front.

What does Beyonce mean by surfboard?

It means she be all night on that bbc- which is the d;P She want to ride on his dick

How did they make the skateboard?

Well when surfers didn't have good waves they would put wheels on there surfboard and would ride around on it.

Will a 99 softtop with glass fit a 97 miata?


Does santa ride a surfboard in Australia?

nope he does yes shots but not the surf board. he uses a ute

Do you wax a wakeboard like a surfboard?

Yes, more or less the same techniques are used. Surfboard wax and wakeboard wax are primarily the same material. Waxing a wakeboard before hitting the water will give you a smoother, safer ride overall.

Is the golden surfboard cp?

there's not a gold surfboard but there is a silver surfboard which is in the sports catalog

How would you transport surfboards around Oahu from Waikiki without access to a car?

some possibilities; ride with a friend in their car maybe ride the bus bicycle with a trailer of some sort to carry the surfboard walk