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No, even though dental compressors have very clean air, it is still not water-free enough to go in a steel tank, though it shouldn't cause problems in an aluminum, but mainly, even the high pressure dental pumps only go up to 175 psi, and even the lowest pressure Scuba tanks are 2400psi, going up to 3300 in North America and 5000 in Europe.

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Q: Can you fill a scuba tank from a dental compressor?
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What do you need to fill a HPA paintball tank at home provided you have a 4500psi air compressor?

All you need is a hose that connects to the tank and a valve to regulate it. However a 4500 psi compressor is much, much more expensive than either getting the tank filled by itself, or buying a scuba tank to refill from.

What is a problem compressor cant fill dive tanks?

you are probably talking about a garage compressor, in which case the output of that is around 200 psi max, your scuba tank needs 3000 psi, that little compressor will get nowhere near that. not to mention the garage compressors put out wet, dirty air, nothing you want to be breathing or cycling through your marker. If you want to get a compressor that will fill that scuba it is going to cost you around $3000-$5000 for a used one.

Is there a difference in a scuba tank and a paintball tank?

Yes the main difference is a SCUBA tank is used for high pressure breathing air (3200-5000 PSI). A paintball tank has a lower PSI rating and is also measured in ounces not PSI. Even though most people use a breathing air compressor to fill paintball tanks.

How can you fill a tank of compressed air without an air compresser?

You can use a scuba tank, but that is it.

Where can you go to have a paintball guns 3000 psi tank refilled?

your local paintball field. Or you can purchase a scuba tank and adapter to fill the paintball tank with and every once in a while fill the scuba tank up if you live like out in the middle of nowhere

How do you refill a compressed air paintball tank?

To refill a paintball tank, you must first go to a paintball field or store with a paintball air compressor. You can't refill them with just any home depot compressor, it takes serious pressure to fill these tanks. Find the fill station with the same pressure as your tank (3000, 4500 or 5000 psi) and hook up the fill hose to the fill nipple on the side of the tank while it is attached to your gun. Then press the lever or button in until the gauge on your tank or on the filler is at the correct pressure and release. Then unhook the fill hose.

Do whale sharks get the bends?

in order to get the bends you have to be breathing compressed gasses, like from a SCUBA. tank or a deep sea diving compressor

When filling a scuba tank from a high pressure reservoir the air goes from a high pressure reservoir to a low pressure reservoir so the air expands into the scuba tank. Shouldnt this cool the tank?

Think on it a bit closer: -- The expansion is happening in the high-pressure reservoir, as some of the air leaves and the rest expands to fill the volume. So you'd expect the supply tank to cool as it empties. -- The compression is happening in the SCUBA tank, where you're continuously stuffing more and more air into the same volume. So you expect the SCUBA tank to warm as it fills.

Is it ok to use an electronic air pump to fill an HPA paintball air tank?

No! That would be very very bad! There is no place to put it in and you could blow out the top of your tank.

Do pre-charge pneumatic powered rifles run out of power?

Yes. they have to be recharged after a set number of shots. With a special compressor, Hand pump or Scuba tank. I find the scuba tank the easiest. PCP rifles and guns are in a high end class of there own. These are the most powerful airguns made.

Where can you get scuba tanks refilled other than at scuba shops?

You could buy your own portable diving compressor, my dive buddy has one, there not silly expensive . You must get fills from a compressor designed for diving (breathing) as the air is filtered and moisture removed.

Can you fill up a co2 tank withan air compressor?

yes you can when you use a compressor only fill up the co2 tank for 2 seconds for every ounce the tank can hold (9 ounce tank=18 seconds) <><><><><> However, the CO2 tank is designed for CO2, not ordinary air, and it is rated for only a specific pressure. If you don't have the proper equipment to do this, it is better for your own safety to leave it to a professional.