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why skydiving requires more cooperation of participants than Freeflying does

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Urielle Etienne

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1y ago
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Q: Why Skydiving requires more cooperation of participants then free flying because?
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You can sell your skydiving gear in numerous places. A few include Amazon, eBay, and Half dot com. I would choose Amazon because they treat both their sellers and customers very nice.

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What are ideal weather conditions for skydiving?

The most important weather conditions to be aware of for skydiving are the wind conditions. The most ideal wind conditions for skydiving are low to moderate winds. Also, the sky needs to be clear or low in clouds so the skydivers are able to clearly see the ground. Thunderstorms can be very dangerous for skydivers as well because they are accompanied by unpredictable winds. You can find more information on skydiving weather conditions at

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Yes it is because the military skydives and they have to practice before they do the real thing therefore helpful to our country

How can you talk your wife out of skydiving?

I don't know why you would want to talk your wife out of skydiving. The instructors train them well and usually go with them on the first jump. Perhaps you should join her because they say once you get over the fear and try it, it's quite the thrill.

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Hawthorne effect APEX :)