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Q: A scuba diver in the sea of words now you can zip along the surface like a guy on a jet ski mean?
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What are the Latin words for combat scuba diver?

Aliquam pugna diver is "combat scuba diver" in Latin. The Latin word pugna actually means fighter. Since Latin is a dead language and very old, the words are not exactly translated.

Can scuba diving affect driving after words and show up as if you had a drink on a breathalizer?

If you were to dive and then drive over VERY HIGH (3000') mountains the diver could experience the equivelent of the bends. This would be the same danger as flying after diving. breathalizer? no.

What words describes the motion of a grain of sand as it moves along?

A grain of sand can be described as rolling, sliding, or shifting as it moves along a surface.

Can acronyms be words?

Yes. Scuba is both an acronym and a word.

What words are the basis of scuba?

Self Contained Under Breathing Apparatus

One word for a group of words?

A group of words can be:a sentencea paragraphan essaya lettera storya poema mottoan expressiona sayinga dictionary

What legal requirements do you need to scuba dive?

There are no legal requirements to scuba dive. In other words, anyone can scuba dive without breaking a law (assuming you are not doing an illegal underwater activity such as illegal fishing). However, if you are not certified, you will not be able to rent or buy equipment or get someone to fill your scuba cylinder.

What is a 8 letter words of what a diver uses to help him breathe under water?

It's called an aqualung

What are some related words for surface area of a cylinder?

face or surface are related words for a surface area of a cylinder

Does an acronym have to be a word?

An acronym is a string of letters standing for the words in a phrase. So no - SCUBA was not a word before it was an acronym. As an acronym SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) has entered the language and now can stand on its own as a noun -- an aqualung or a verb - scubaed and scubaing, an adjective - the scuba industry. So no an acronym doesn't have to be a word, and just because some become words doesn't mean they should. HAND.

Can scuba diving affect driving after words if you have 2 beers?

scuba diving? no (see the previous answer that YOU submitted a few minutes ago) having 2 beers? yes you seem pretty concerned with YOUR ability to drive. why not just get a friend to drive when you go SCUBA diving? when the diving is over, drink until you pass out and have your friend take you home.

Why do shcool egsist?

because one day a person was sitting in there house staring at there child thinking, I wish there was a place for my kid to learn the rights and wrongs so i wouldn't have to be the one to teach it to them so they invented school. this person was a scuba diver so that is why they called it shool representing the school of fish under water. Meaning that the students would stay togethor always and blah blah blah boring words