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Typically (there are exceptions to the rule) men usually bond by doing things together whereas women bond by sharing things together. For example men will remember: fishing trips, vacations, games, etc. whereas women will remember conversations, etc.

Sports i think is a way for guys to bond- and in general most guys are competitive and like the challenge of besting a worthy adversary.

In general i think people tend to like things they are very good at- and for guys the more that we master a sport- i think the more that we enjoy playing it at a high level - and having competition that stretches us. It's like our biggest rival- can also be someone that we respect tremendously and you have epic battles (be it on a Basketball court, etc.)

Anyhow i hope that satisfies your curiosity.

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Q: Why do men love sports?
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Do men love sports?

Most of them

Why do men like sports?

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