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You have to learn it from Stevie Williams in Downtown Philly. It's a CAREER goal.

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Q: Where is the nail the manual goal in tony hawks proving ground?
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It totaly depends on what your using it for. If your looking for a legit street ball goal, then go for the in ground. But if you just want to shoot around go for the portable goal

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It is the line on the ground between the goal posts. If the ball crosses it, a goal has been scored.

How far off of the ground is a NFL goal post From the ground to the bottom of the goal and from the bottom of the post to the top?

10 feet high (the same height as a NBA hoop) NFL Rules states the top of the goal post must be a minimum of 30 feet off the ground. That would make the minimum length of the goal post 20 feet as the crossbar is 10 feet off the ground.

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Patrick Kane of the 2010 Stanley Cup Champions. He scored the game winning goal in overtime.He also comes from the Chicago Blackhawks.GO HAWKS!

What is the name of the song that the blackhawks played last night after the scored a goal?

It depends on who scores but usually it's "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis."Here Come the Hawks!" by J. SwayzeeThe Lyrics Are:"Here Come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks Take the attack, Yeah, and we'll back you Blackhawks You're flyin' high now, so let's wrap it up Let's go you Hawks, move off Now all look out, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here come the HawksHere they come movin', weavin', flyin' high and throwin' spray, Blades flashin' sticks crashin' tryin' for the play, And the Blackhawks, take control, There's a shot, AND A GOAL!Here Come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks Take the attack, Yeah, and we'll back you Blackhawks You're flying high now, so let's wrap it up Let's go you Hawks, move off Now all look out, Here Come the Hawks Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here come the Hawks(instrumental)Here Come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks Take the attack, Yeah, and we'll back you Blackhawks You're flying high now, so let's wrap it up Let's go you Hawks, move off Now all look out, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here Come the Hawks, Here (trails off"

A crucial foreign goal for many war hawks in the War of 1812 was?

A crucial foreign policy goal for many "war hawks" in the war of 1812 was the capture and annexation of Canada. Annexation means the acquisition of a state's territory by another state by the use of force.

Can a goal be scored in soccer directly from a goal kick without even touching anything even the ground?

Yes it is possible.