

Best Answer
  • The Deepest Open Circuit Scuba Dive (unofficial) is that of 330m set by Pascal Bernabe July 5th 2005 off Corsica - It took Pascal, 10 minutes to descend down to 330 meters but it took him 8 hours and 49 min to resurface

  • Nuno Gomes officially (Guinness world record) holds the World's Deepest Open Circuit Scuba Record at 318.25m on the 10th June 2005 in Dahab, Egypt.

  • The Deepest official Open Circuit Scuba dive performed by a woman is of 221m set by Verna van Schaik from South Africa in October 2004.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Open water record dive on surface supplied air was to 2360 feet by a Swedish Diver. Have to check on his name.

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4 clamperrl 2 evolve u must have a deepsea tooth 2 get huntail or a deepsea scale 2 get gorbyss.

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What to evolve with deepsea scale and a deepsea tooth?

at least I know that it evolves clamperl, if someone knows another just inprove answer