sidewalk street skate park
The word skate has one syllable.
Um the balance board come with wii fit but there is a games called skate it for the wii that is wii balance board compatible
its fun and if you want to skate you first get a board and it has to have plastic trucks
You buy one?
you dont
of course its a sole skate its the best skate board eva
the offisial translation is schaats. but we often use skate like if we say rollerskate we say rolschaats but if we say skate board we say skate board if where gonna skate we say we gaan skateboarden skate=schaats skates=schaatsen
it all started in 1689 where people wanted a different way to travel so thought of car they said it has four wheels but they wanted a flat surface and then the skate board was made
in the wheels