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its fun and if you want to skate you first get a board and it has to have plastic trucks

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Q: How about skate boarding?
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Related questions

What came first skate boarding or snow boarding?

Skate Boarding was invented before Snow Boarding.

Does Justin like skate boarding?

if you like skate boarding he gay

Is skate boarding illegal?

Of corse not who are you to think it is?

Who is the mutt in skate boarding?

Rodney Mullen

How cool is skate boarding?

not cool at all:L

How can you become a pro at skate boarding?

do a kickflip and a hellflip

Is skate boarding illegal on public streets?


What else is good skate boarding music?

good music? for skate boarding? easy you should try disturbed, avenged sevenfold, slipknot, or 7th day slumber

What does it mean to dream of skate boarding?

Skate boarding is just for fun. You dream that so as to relax your mind. You might be wanting to do it since a very long time and you did that in your dreams now.

How long has skate boarding been around?

a long time

What is a good watch for extreme sports?

Mine are skate-boarding and surfing

How do you say skate boarding in spanish?

monopatin (pronounced mono pahteen)