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There is usually 9 people defensively on the field and about 12 people on a team

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

most of the time it only takes 9 people.

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Q: How many people play softball?
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How many people play softball in the world?

how many people in the world are playing softball?

How many people are on the softball filed while in play?

10 or 9

How may people play softball?

9 people play on the softball field at once

How many people can play softball at one time?

9 on the field in fastpitch and 10 in slowpitch

How many countries play softball?

There should be 9 on one team but you need 2 teams to play so for a game there would have to be 18 people for pitcher, catcher, 1st, 2nd and 3rd baseman, shortstop, Left right and center field. There alsa has to be people batting so 9 people on each team would be fine! So 18 players in all well i hope that helped(:

How many teams play softball?


Seventy girls play soccer in the fall and sixty girls play softball in spring Forty-five girls play both how many girls play soccer softball or both?

130 girls play softball, soccer, or both

When do play softball?

You play softball in the spring and in the summer!

When play Softball?

You play softball in the spring and in the summer!

What percent of people play softball in the US?

65 percent

What is the softball used for?

To play softball

What is the percentage of the people who play softball?

About 30 because i said so