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NBA players are paid for playing. Owners buy their franchises. People buy tickets. They make a lot of money.

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Q: Do you have to pay to be in the NBA?
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Do you have to pay to be in the NBA and how much?

No...the NBA pays you

Do you have to pay money when you are trying to get NBA draft?

no ;)

NBA prize money?

there is no NBA prize money bu the team may give you a pay raise.

Monthly pay on an NBA player?

depends on contract

How much does NBA practice squad pay?

Straight cash

When does the NBA pay players?

Just like you, every other week

The most pay nba players this 2010?

t has to be Kobe Brynt.

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How much does a full NBA pension pay per year?

48,000.00 yr

What is the average yearly pay of a NBA basketball player?

as much as it says in their contracts

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they pay out there whole contract and release them off the team

What did Kobe Bryant say that was rude to the NBA?

he said "this is a g** a** foul!!! because of this the NBA is being super-sensitive about it and made him pay a $100K fine and had him apologize.