That song is called "Crank It Up" by The Young Goulets.
If you have the NFL Network, the NFL commercials will automatically show in between your programs. NFL Network is not a free network.
The Detroit Cobras
It's called "Home" and it's by Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros
Yes, he voices NFLSHOPS.COM commercials, the commercials that promote the sale of NFL jerseys and other NFL merchendise.
It is "Open" by Tom Hedden who is famous for NFL theme music. You can find it on the Autumn Thunder album - the 75 seasons suite by Tom Hedden. I, too, have been looking for this song for many many years and just found it today!
The Fallen
Skillet - Hero Took me abouts a good 20 minutes to find the song, but it is from Skillet - Hero.
Dorian Harewood
It's The Power is On by The Go! Team.
His name is Sidus Melon.
4 15 minute quarters, so about an hour, but on TV about 3 with commercials and such.