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It's The Power is On by The Go! Team.

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Q: What is the music from the nfl play 60 commercials?
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What is the music from the NFL play 60 commercial with the Bengals and Rams and Bears and Patriots?

Feel alright by MoZella

Who was the founder of play 60?

The NFL.

Who invented NFL Play 60?

Play 60 was invented by the Cooper Institute: FITNESSGRAM.

Who does voice over in NFL play 60 commercials?

Oh, dude, the voice-over guy for those NFL Play 60 commercials is probably some super deep-voiced announcer who makes everything sound way more epic than it needs to be. Like, they could be talking about eating a sandwich, and this guy would make it sound like the most intense sandwich-eating experience of your life. But hey, at least he's getting people pumped up to go outside and play for 60 minutes, right?

What is the total play time in a NFL football game just play time?

60 minutes

What year was nfl play 60 founded?

2007 Check link attached:

Who sings the song in the commercial for NFL play 60?

The Power Is On,' The Go! Team

How long does a typical Super Bowl game last with out commercials?

60 minutes ( 15 minutes each quarter) like any other NFL game

Who is the actor wearing 50 in nfl play 60 commercial?

It is AJ Hawk of the GreenBay Packers.

How can the NFL and NFL play 60 bus make your community a better place for kids to get active and healthy?

to eat healthy and start practice activated football

What product became a sled for Santa in commercials of the 60's?

It was a Norelco electric shaver. They did a play on words and advertised it as a Noelco.

How many minutes does NFL play?

15 minutes a quarter; 60 a game(15 x 4 quarters)