a bow is called 'un arc' (masc.) in French, and an arrow is called 'une flèche'. The sport is called 'le tir à l'arc'. To be an adept of the sport is 'faire du tir à l'arc'.
the bow: l'arcthe arrow: la flèche
Anarchy isn't a sport at all. Maybe you're thinking about archery.Archery - shooting with bow and Arrow - is an Olympic sport.
Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.
one day the french throught it would be a good idea to make a bow and arrow and name it Archery
The sport with the bow and arrow is called archery, just to let you know. First, you grab a arrow and grab the string of the bow, which is the curved rod with the string. Then put the arrow in a sideways position right attached to the string of the bow. Pull the arrow back, allowing the string to move over to your position. Then, aim carefully. Next, you release the arrow with the string. The arrow will move faster depending how far you pull the string towards you. The objective is to hit the target. There are different spots that are worth different points on the target. If you hit the middle of the target with your arrow, you will receive the maximum amount of points possible. Keep repeating this process until you are a pro at archery.:).
No, Athena is not typically depicted with bow and arrow. Bow and arrow are most often depicted with Artemis.
it is the stick and the string that shoots the arrow
Bow (weapon) = Arc, Arrow= Fleche, Bow (as in, a violin bow) = archet, Bending at the waist = saluer, A knot = noeud, Nautical term (ie, starboard bow) = avant/proue.
to Bullet.
what kind of symple machine is a bow and arrow
Sorry there is no bow and arrow on the Isle of Gust because I just beat it a while ago theirs no bow and arrow
Arrows are straight pointed sticks with fins to make them fly straight. A bow is the tool used to propel the arrows at a target. The bow and arrow are used in the sport of archery, and some sportsmen still use them for hunting. Before firearms were invented, the bow and arrow were probably the most common tools used for hunting.