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If a dart lands in the treble nine bed, the score is 9 x 3 = 27

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Q: What does treble 9 mean in darts?
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Related questions

How many 9 dart finishes have there been?

A 9 dart finish is a perfect game of darts. It is getting down from 501 to 0 in 9 darts. It can be done in a number of ways, some are quite creative and basically it depends which double the player prefers to finsh on. The most popular way is treble 20, treble 20, treble 20 treble 20, treble 20, treble 20 treble 20, treble 19 and double 12.

How many points is treble 12 in darts?


What score is treble tops in darts?

60, the highest single-dart score on the board

What is a treble in a game of darts?

That's what the English call a triple.

170 is the h o in a g of d?

170 is the highest out in a game of darts Treble twenty, treble twenty, bull.

If you were playing darts and got a shanghai score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?

12. Treble, single and double 12.

How do you score 141 points in darts?

Throw the dart in the 8 If you want to finish you have to hit the double 4

What does single 9 mean in darts?

It means that the dart scores 9 points!

Gemma is playing darts and scores and treble 17 How many points is that?


How many points can be scored with one dart on a dartboard?

180 Try 60, treble 20. 180 is only acheivable with 3 darts all in the treble 20.

What two combinations in darts if score is 141 to win 501 game?

Treble 17. Double top. Then the bull out. Treble 17. Treble 20. Double 15. T20-T19-D12 T20-T15-D18 T17-T18-D18

Darts maximum check out score?

In soft tip daddy’s the highest checkout score is 180, which is three triple 20s