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In general, the basic rules of Ankoh Itosu promulgated in 1908 are applied:

If Karate were introduced at the elementary school level, the children would be well prepared for the military in the future. Both the First Duke of Wellington and Napoleon I discussed the concept of "tomorrow's victories come from the playgrounds of today".

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Q: Why in Japan do they learn karate at schools?
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Related questions

How has karate survived in japan?

It has survived from many generations and back in the day it was compulsary that the oldest boy in any family in Japan had to learn karate or there family will be shamed.

Where can you learn karate in Minneapolis?

All over the place. A quick search on 'karate' and 'Minneapolis' brought up over a dozen schools teaching karate and tai kwon do.

How are japan schools and America schools alike?

they are not that alike japan schools are more strict but they learn the same things as us just in a different style

You want to learn karate?

Yes, I want to learn Karate, but I want to do it in Japan and learn it from someone who practices the OLD Shotokan Katas, as Giching Funakoshi originally taught them. I want to go through, the training Funakoshi's students went through.

What is Japan Karate Association's motto?

Japan Karate Association's motto is 'Keepers of Karate's Highest Tradition'.

When was Japan Karate Association created?

Japan Karate Association was created in 1949.

How many many karate schools in china?

There are not many karate schools in China. The government there promotes Wushu. Karate is Japanese and the history between the two countries is not good.

Is Karate from Japan?

Sort of. Karate was developed on Okinawa, which is now a part of Japan. It used to be a separate country and a tributary of China. Karate was a combination of the Okinawa wrestling and Chinese Kung Fu. In the 1930's karate was introduced to the main islands of Japan.

Where was shotokan karate invented?

Shotokan karate was brought to Japan from Okinawa.

What continent does karate come from china or japan?

China and Japan are not continents but countries. They are both located in the continent of Asia. However, karate comes from Japan.

Is Japan the home of Kung Fu or Karate?

Karate came from Okinawa, which is now a part of Japan. Kung Fu is from China.

Do people still practice tea ceremony in japan?

Yes, they do. Some schools in Japan have clubs for children to learn about and how to do Tea ceremonies.