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Q: What were Athens sports?
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How have sports changed since ancient Athens?

Many sports have changed since the ancient Athens but the sport that is still played today from the Athens is basketball. Believe it or not, a similar sport to basketball was played during the Athens.

What sports are in Athens?

ermm Athens is a place and shouldn't be different from any other country or city im sure there was all of the usuall sports in Athens as in anywhere else soccer basketball etc..

Who designed the Athens Olympics Sports Complex?

Santiago Calatrava

What sports did they have in Athens?

Soccer, the Olympics(most recent in 2004).

What is Greece's largest stadium?

The Olympic Stadium of Athens "Spyros Louis" is the largest stadium of Greece. It is a part of Athens Olympic Sports Complex. Its capacity of seat is 75,263.

Who likes writers Sparta or Athens?

Athens liked writers but Sparta discouraged any activities such as writing, reading, singing, and and bascily anything other then sports or military.

How did Pierre de Fredy change sports in 1896?

Organized the first modern Olympics in Athens

What are the characteristics of ancient Athens?

Some major characteristics of Ancient Athens are that they teach citizens to read and write, sports, warfare, and the gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Hera, Apollo ect...

What was Athens main idea?

Athens valued democracy, philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge. They believed in the importance of individual freedom, critical thinking, and civic participation. Athens also valued the arts, architecture, and sports as integral parts of their cultural identity.

What were woman's lives like in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens they were kept in purdah in the house rearing children and working in the house and garden. In Sparta, they were free to participate in daily life, play sports etc.

What sports are played in Athens?

BoxingEquestrian events-chariot racing-ridingpankrationpentathlon-discus-javelin-jump-running-wrestlingrunningwrestling

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