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Baseball, volleyball, football, and Snowboarding are the three biggest sports. They also wrestle, play Basketball, and skateboard.

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14y ago
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15y ago

There are actually 4 main sports in El Salvador. The first is soccer. The second is volleyball. The third is baseball, and the final sport is basketball.

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14y ago

they dont have much money so they usually just join gangs not play games

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16y ago

soccer or as they say it it's (football)

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13y ago

suck crap

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Q: What sport does El Salvador play?
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The most popular sport in El Salvador is Soccer

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No Ronaldo has not played as yet for el Salvador.

What is the most well known sport in El Salvador?

soccer or as we call it futbol

What time does Mexico vs. El Salvador play?

9:30 ET. (8:30 Mexico City).

What Chanel going play Honduras vs. El Salvador 2012?

honduras vs el salvador results of 3/17/12

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Honduras has land borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

What is the capital of salvador?

Salvador, Bahia, is the capital of the State of Bahia.San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador.

What type of sports do they play in el salvador?

what ever sports they like

Does el salvador people play rugby?

in some parts yes.

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