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Are you going for the boomerang throwing tournament?

Well m'dear I'm afraid to say, there are none of those!

Have a good life x

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What is the total possible score in Australian boomerang throwing?


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What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that returns to the thrower?


What is the name of the austalian throwing stick that can return to its thrower?

It is the Boomerang.

Is a boomerang easy to use?

A boomerang that has been properly shaped is quite easy to use, but it requires a strong throwing arm.

How do you beat the third boss on Zelda Ocarina of Time?

You have to keep throwing your boomerang at the jellyfish that chase. Then, you attack the big guy with the boomerang

What is an Aboriginal throwing stick called?

Today everyone calls it a boomerang but the name use to vary between different tribes! :)

Is boomerang throwing a popular sport?

No it is not, almost extinct, and if you do it, please stop, it is really wierd.

What principle of physics is applied in boomerang throwing?

The principle of aerodynamics is applied in boomerang throwing. This involves the interaction between the boomerang's shape, air resistance, and spin to create lift and produce the characteristic curved flight path.

What is the difference between a boomerang and a throwing stick?

It depends in the specific type of boomerang. there is two types. Returning and non-returning boomerang. Back to your question. The way the boomerang is shaped makes it more aerodynamic than a simple stick, also a returning boomerang is specially made to return. Your Welcome. -CRP

How do you use the magical boomerang in Zelda Minish Cap?

You use the magical boomerang by first throwing it (as a normal, button-set item) and, instantly after, you can control it by using the D-Pad.

What are some safety precautions when throwing a boomerang?

Make sure it doesn't hit you when it returns, for heaven's sake!