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It is the Boomerang.

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Q: What is the name of the austalian throwing stick that can return to its thrower?
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What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that returns to the thrower?


What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that returns to its thrower?


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How is a boomerang different from an airplane propeller?

A boomerang is a angled or bent stick that when thrown in the air comes back to the thrower when it does not hit an object. A propeller is a straight crafted out stick that when attached to the engine makes the airplane move forward.

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What is the difference between a boomerang and a throwing stick?

It depends in the specific type of boomerang. there is two types. Returning and non-returning boomerang. Back to your question. The way the boomerang is shaped makes it more aerodynamic than a simple stick, also a returning boomerang is specially made to return. Your Welcome. -CRP