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Association football: matches are 45 minutes in each half, with a 15 minute halftime break. 'Injury' or extra time on each half can normally get to as much as 5 minutes each half, resulting in 125 minutes or just over 2 hours from start to finish.

American football: each quarter is 15 minutes at professional level, slightly less in university and lower grades. There is a 12 minute halftime break, which means in theory there is a 75ish minute gametime. In practise, timestops for certain situations mean that games normally go for at least double that, i.e. 2.5 hours and sometimes as much as 3 hours.

Rugby football: Rugby of all kinds is played in two halves of 40 minutes, with a 10 minute halftime break. Extra time in each half is usually around a minute, and ends as soon as the play is stopped. Thus it may finish as soon as the 40 minutes ends, or can go up to five minutes onwards. This makes a game just over 90 minutes or 1.5 hours total.

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15y ago

There are four quarters of 25 minutes each, plus "time on" which is a calculated allowance for disruptions during the game. 100 minutes plus a few minutes more.

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