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The men's javelin was redesigned in 1984 to shorten the distance it could be thrown. The decision to shorten the jav was made by the International Amateur Athletic Association after East Germany's Uwe Hohn crushed the previous world record of 99.72 m with a throw of 104.80 m. The distances reached by improving athletes were nearing the point where they could no longer be contained in the infield, and thus the decision was made to design the jav to "underperform." By shifting the center of weight forward, the javelin's tip tilts forward and comes down sooner, steepening the arc of flight and thus shortening the throws by about 10%.

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Did the weight of the Javelin changed through time?

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How did the javelin start?

Javelin, before it was a recognized sport, was originally a hunting method used by humankind the world over. Javelin first emerged in the Greek Olympics as part of the first pentathlon. Though the construction of the javelin and the methods of delivery have evolved over time, the nature of the event has been preserved.

What is the point of a javelin made of?

A javelin is typically used as a throwing weapon in track and field competitions or hunting. Its design allows for long-distance throwing with accuracy, making it useful in sports or for hunting prey from a distance.

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It is the Javelin.

What is a person who uses a javelin?

The person who uses a javelin or participates in the sport is called a javelin thrower. The javelin throwers throw the javelin by the use of their hands.

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