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Pocket billiards is very often called pool. The reason is simple...back in the day, circa turn of the century, rooms for betting on the horses were extremely prevalent.

The horse betting pools were such that these rooms were called pool rooms for short. Because pocket billiards became so popular with men of the day, pocket billiards tables were installed in most of these "horse betting pool" rooms.

Rapidly.."pool room" became known as a room with pocket billiard tables in it, and the pocket billiard game itself took on the misnomer.."pool".

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Pocket billiards is also called pool. There are different stories that describe why, but they all relate to the fact that pocket billiards and gambling went together dating back to at least 1700. In the US, the horse racing betting and billiard halls went together and some tie the term "pool" to these betting halls. There is no record of when pocket billiards really began being called pool. However, documents indicate it was not called pool prior to 1835 and it was called pool by 1920.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the used to pool there money when playing billiards

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It looks like you may be trying to spell pool cue sticks.You use pool cues to play a game of pool, similar to snooker. You do not need the word "sticks" at the end. A pool cue is what it is called.

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In the US, whether you are referring to 8 Ball, 9 Ball, or Straight Pool you most likely need the American Poolplayer's Association (APA) rules. This is the largest governing body for these in the US. There are often slight local rules covering ball-in-hand and shooting of the 8 ball that may be different than the official rules. So be sure to check for house rules at a bar or local pool hall. The APA Rules can be viewed and downloaded at the link below -

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