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This is called the rack. The diamond and semi-diamond racks are also junst called racks.

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Q: What is the triangle that holds the balls in a pool game called?
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Why do you think that the pool balls are set up in the shape of a triangle to start the game?

Why do you think that the pool balls are set up in the shape of a triangle to start the game?

On the ipod touch what is the game called where your a stick figure dodging balls?

It is called falling balls

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It is simply called the triangle game

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the game is called zuma. its a rely nice one

How many red balls are used in a game of snoooker?

15 A triangle of rows 1+2+3+4+5 = 15

What is the name of the game played with the brooms and flying balls on Harry Potter?

The game is called Quidditch.

How much do NFL game balls cost?

The prices for NFL game balls will vary depending on the game and the team. Some game balls have sold for as high as $10,000.

Displacement of balls in pool game?

This is the "break". After the balls are placed in formation, called the "rack", the first shot must break out a minimum of 1 to 4 balls, depending upon the game being played. This is the only type of "displacement" that occurs in a game of pool.

Who holds the MLB record for foul balls?

Johnny Mostil from the Chicago White Sox did it , but during a Spring Training game

What is the game that was on Real Arcade that had balls that rolled around and you had to control it to block off spaces and not get hit by the balls?

The game you are thinking of is called AirXonix.

How many pitches are called balls during a baseball game?

every single pitch that is not called as a strike.

What sports do not use parallel lines?

there is a game called bingro. in the game you put bingo balls in your mouth and spit them out.