

Who invented the game chess?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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The Game of Kings, and its roots came from Persia.


Chess originated in India circa 600 CE and spread to Persia.

When the Arabs conquered Persia they took chess back to the Muslim world.

From there the game spread to Europe changing to its present form circa 1500 CE

Appended map shows the spread of chess and the local names given to the game - many translate (roughly) as "The king is dead!" reflecting the aim of the game.

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Chess originated in India in the 1200s.

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The game of chess came out of India or Persia, not China. A link can be found below.

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A game that was invented in ancient India was chess. They called it Chaatur-Anga, meaning four-bodied. The 4 bodies were infantry, war elephants, cavalry, and chariots. Hope this helped :)

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The first 'proper' videogame was a computer version of Chess, made by Alan Turing in 1947.

Who ninvented the chess?

Who Invented Chess? The inventer of chess is unknown but we do know that it was invented in the 6th century. When chess was invented it was known as "chaturaṅga" which means "Four Divisions"

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There was no man that made chess in third grade my teacher told me that chess was made when a king and queen had to battle another kingdom they invented a game and whomever won that game would win.

What was the first game ever invented?

(1)Rattafat (2)chess (3)latimin