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Billiard's or Pool

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Q: Which sport is played on a table with coloured balls and a stick called a cue?
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What sport is played with several balls in France?


Which sport it can be played in tris?

suck my balls! it's rugby!

What is it called in french when no balls are in sports sush as swimming?

this is just called 'sport', or by its particular name (athletism, etc..). When a sport involves a ball, it can be called 'un sport de ballon' or 'un sport collectif'

What sport beginner may use 'God Bless You' to help remember positions?

snooker, because this is the order in which the coloured balls are layed out on the table (Green Blue Yellow)

What sport has balls and clubs?

The sport of golf uses balls and clubs.

What is the sport they played in Disney's Decsendants?

The sport is called Tourney but it is fictional

Most played sport during world war2?

Soccer was often played by troops, as it required no exupiement, and makeshift balls could be used.

What is football the sport as played in America called in Italy?

The sport that Americans call "Football" as played by the NFL is called "Football Americano" in Italy. The sport that Americans call "Soccer" as sanctioned by FIFA is called "Calcio" in Italy.

What sports are played with balls?

basically every single sport. but likee really ? whyy ask thatt. weirdo !

What is difference between squash and billiards?

The main differences are that squash is a racket sport and played on a court. Billiards is a cue sport and played on a table. There is only one soft ball in squash and three hard balls in billiards.

What is the only sport played left handed?

A lot of sports are played left handed. Cricket and ice hockey are two examples; many more can be thought of if you try.If you mean a sport that is played only left handed, then there is no such sport either.

In which sport do red and yellow balls oppose blue and black balls?
