A lot of sports are played left handed. Cricket and Ice Hockey are two examples; many more can be thought of if you try.
If you mean a sport that is played only left handed, then there is no such sport either.
basically every sport.
Jai-alai - requires you to wear the gourd (cesta) on the right hand only. Polo must be played right-handed. Left-handed play was ruled out in 1975 for safety reasons.
Left Handedness and SportsDue to the added potential for injury, the game of polo cannot be played left handed, left handed play was banned in 1975. Any Sport- it just matters if you want to or not. There is no sport you can not play with your left hand.Field Hockey is one.none all sports are both-handedsoccer of course! you cant use your hands.
He played his guitar with his left hand but used a right handed strat. He played with his guitar flipped so he was playing left handed only using a right handed guitar.
No she is not left-handed. She only pretended to be left-handed in "The Runaways" as Cherie Currie is actually left-handed. Dakota Fanning herself is right-handed.
He is right handed. The only left handed is Niall. (:
More people are right handed. Only 30% are left handed artists
Bill is only right-handed.
Yes, he is left-handed. Ringo Starr is also left-handed, although he played the drums right-handed. As an interesting piece of information, Paul's daughter Mary is ambidextrous, meaning both her hands are dominant.
Only for right handed people.