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under the table on the wood or on the box

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Q: Where do you find the serial number on a Brinktun Pool table?
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Have a pool table and serial number need to know how old it is?

I have pool table but can't find out any information on the style, brand, or anything else. I found a partial tag for it with the model #6029. any help would be appreciated!

What is your sears pool table model number?

I have a sears pool table Model # 440-26680 What is yours?

Who made the first pool table?

It was not a pool table if it only had 4 pockets if it was made since about 1800. A 4 pocket table is most likely a bumper pool table.

Where can one find pool table covers online?

There are a number of places one can purchase pool table covers online. One can purchase them from 'ebay', 'Amazon', 'Sears', 'Walmart' and 'Pool Dawg'.

How old is your pool table?

I do not own a pool table.

How do you say pool table in french?

Pool table in french is billard

What is the difference between a pool table and a billiard table -?

a pool table has balls but billard table has balls to play i would reccommed the pool table

What is better a football table a hockey table or a pool table?

A hockey table is my opinion.I'd have to say a pool table. Unlike hockey or football, you don't need 2 people to play pool.

What does a craps table look like?

Craps Table looks like a pool table because of the color but it has a big difference, pool table has a pocket, craps table don't have but it has a number and instruction that is printed on the top of the table Craps Table Online casino

What are the different type of pool games that one can play on a pool table?

There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.

Bumper pool table size?

There is no regulation bumper pool table size.