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This has been attributed to the US players, when the action of placing side spin on the cue ball was taught to them by the Europeans, most of whom were British.

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Q: Where did the term putting english on the ball come from?
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The African Luhya term for the English word 'come' is Itsa.

Where did the term English originate in billiards?

Each time you stroke the cue ball to the left or right of center, some degree of english is applied. (Note that english is not capitalized, it has nothing to do with England.) How much english you get is based on 4 factors - how far from cue ball center contact is made; how long the cue tip stays in contact with the cue ball; condition of the cue tip; condition of the cue ball and pool table playing surface. To increase the amount of english, a soft cue tip is required and the player must accelerate the cue as contact is made with the cue ball, resulting in staying in contact for a longer period. In addition, if you have a cue that you know you will use english with quite regularly, the tip should have the "dime" shape. Cue tips are typically shaped to the curvature of either a nickel or a dime. The shape of a dime allows the tip to stay in contact with the cue ball longer than the nickel shape, improving english.

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What does the term center ball mean in pool?

Center ball refers to the point of contact between the cue and the cue ball. A center ball hit results in no english or side spin, no draw, and no follow.

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what does the term putting together mean

What is ball ball cane?

"Ball ball cane" does not have a specific meaning in English. It may refer to a misunderstood or misspelled term. If you can provide more context or details, I may be able to offer a more accurate explanation.

How do you spell puting?

The correct spelling is "putting" (placing something). It is also the spelling for the golf term of playing the ball on the green (to putt).The similar ending is to the word computing, meaning calculating.

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