The move to promotion is one move then your opponent has a subsequent move . A newly promoted pawn is not given a free move at one in the same time as the promotion .
In the game of chess only the pawns enjoy the privilege of being promoted once they reach the end of the board to any piece other than the King .
The newly promoted piece takes up the same square where the promotion occurred .
The Pawn can then be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .
The pawn , which can be promoted to any other chess piece besides the King , when promoted will still occupy the same square .
Reaching the end of the chess-board is only significant to the pawn who then can be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .
The 'king' is the tallest and the 'most valuable' piece in chess--when the king is trapped, the game is over. Both sides have one king each, and it is the only back-rank piece that a pawn cannot be promoted.
Once a pawn reaches the last rank the pawn can be promoted to any piece except the king . Yes , if you already have a queen the pawn can be promoted to another queen .
Where is the density of a Chess piece
the newly acquired piece is replaced by the pawn
A pawn can be promoted to any piece other than King .
The kings Indian is a chess opening not a chess piece