You cannot physically take the disc out of your opponents hand. The only times you can get the disc is if you catch or hit it down out of the sky, or if it hits the ground.
To steal the goods of an opponent by force, especially in time of war.
it means that you steal it while the opponent is dribbling
"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.
Beggar-my-neighbour is a card game for two players in which the object is to steal the opponent's cards.
yes you can equip spell card cards to an opponent's monster unless the card states so a good example of this is snatch steal
There is a new way to play frisbee its called frisbee golf.
This is how you spell it: Frisbee
William Russel frisbee invented the frisbee. and Walter Morrison became interested in flying saucer which led to the frisbee trademark.
dogs can catch a frisbee:)
I wouldn't say 'national championship' but the professional sport of frisbee is 'ultimate frisbee'.
golf frisbee is basically golf but with a frisbee. the point in the game is to throw your frisbee into a basket.
Frisbee golf