It was created when some kids used to get pies from the 'Frisbee bakery'. They loved them so much they would flatten the tins and throw them about, hence the name Frisbee. So they have always been called Frisbees, it just caught on.
The first Frisbees were aluminum pie pans made by the Frisbee pie company of Connecticut. They did not have a name. Teenagers would toss the pie pans around for fun. Eventually, a toy manufacture saw the teenagers tossing the pie pans around, and came up with plastic circular discs that could be tossed around, and he named them the Frisbee after the original pie pans that the teenagers tossed around.
There is a new way to play frisbee its called frisbee golf.
Fred Morrison invented and marketed the first Frisbee in 1938. The price of the first Frisbee was only one nickel.
Ultimate Frisbee is the 'football-esque' version of frisbee, but there is also disk golf.
The first Wham-O Frisbee was first made in 1948.
The first Wham-O Frisbee went on sale in 1948.
The Frisbee came about after students discovered throwing Frisbee pie pans supplied entertainment. This led Walter Fredrick Morrison to invent and patent the first plastic Frisbee.
Other names for the frisbee include, "bee" and "disc".
Warwick Bell in 1972, it is called this because he threw a plate and it hit a bee. The bee died. So now its called a frisbee.
No, you do not have to win by two in Ultimate Frisbee, just first to 13 or whatever you are playing to.
The handler in Ultimate Frisbee is responsible for throwing the frisbee to another player, called the cutter. The handler is an offensive position much like a quarterback in football.