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Wrist muscles are the main, if not only, muscles used to catch a disc. Some forearm muscle may be used.

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Q: What muscles in the arm are used to catch a frisbee?
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What muscles are used in freezby?

There are many muscles used when playing Frisbee. It all depends on what is happening. For example, if there is a lot of running involved, then your leg muscles, both the calf and thigh muscles, along with heart and lung muscles. When throwing the Frisbee, you will use most arm muscles, because of the motions you make with your elbow. Then you would use your abdomen muscles when twisting your body around to throw the disk. It is a good work out if there is much distance between the players, to increase the running and throwing done in the game. Hope this helps and have fun!

What muscles are used in catching a ball?

the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs.

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you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles. you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles.

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Muscles that are used when throwing?

Your arm

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calf muscles and arm muscles adductors abductors

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The muscles that are used when snapping a football are all in the arm. More specifically, the forearm muscles are heavily used.

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Both arm and leg muscles are being used when driving a car.

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When you drink something you are using your arm muscles.