you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles. you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles.
The muscles used in tap dancing include: bicep and other arm muscles calf muscles and thigh muscles back muscles and bottom muscles but you will only work all of these muscles if you are tap dancing correctly.
Muscles are used for picking things up, breathing, seeing, and/or doing a physical activity, such as walking.
you use your toe muscles ,thigh ,hip if you using dumbbells all muscles get involved
Mostly your thigh muscles, inner and outer.
Almost every muscle is used in tumbling, but some aren't as much used as the others like your back muscles. your Trapezius and your Latisomous Dorsi
all of them. specifically targeted are the back, deltoid, bicep, tricep, abdominal, and quadrecep muscles used in stunting, tumbling, and cheering/dancing.
Cheers to Science
the crowd was cheering
It can be (cheering crowds). Cheering is the present participle of the verb (to chafe) and can be an adjective or a noun (gerund).
No, because cheering isn't a sport
The collective nouns could be a crowd of people cheering and shouting, an audience of people cheering and shouting, or a mob of people cheering and shouting.
The crowd was cheering. The subject 'crowd' is a singular noun taking the singular verb.The alternate: The crowds were cheering when the soldiers returned from World War 2.
There are many muscles in the body that are used in a roundhouse kick. The abs are used, side muscles, thigh muscles, and the butt muscles.
The year women started cheering is in 1920.
Start Cheering was created on 1938-03-03.
Both meanings (plants and cheering) are spelled "rooting."