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Q: What is the odd one out queen pawn king bishop cardinal castle?
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Which is the odd word out king queen bishop cardinal castle?

The odd one out is 'Cardinal', as the rest are pieces used in Chess.

Which is the odd word out queen king pawn bishop cardinal castle?

The odd one out is 'Cardinal', as the rest are pieces used in chess.

What two pieces stand on either side of a king at the side of a chess game?

The Queen And A Bishop

Name all the pieces in chess?

Pawn, King, Queen, castle(rook), Bishop, Knight (horse),

Who two pieces stand beside a king at the start of a chess game?

A queen and a bishop. For white, the queen is on the king's left and the bishop is on his right. For black, the queen is on the king's right and the bishop is on his left.

How many symbols are in the game of chess?

7 pawn, bishop, rook (castle), knight, queen, king. Hope it helps. MistroJoe

What are the expert moves of chess?

There is six. 1: En Passant (A special pawn ability) 2: Castling (A special castle and king ability) 3: Fork (Can be used by any piece) 4: Pin (Can be used by bishop, rook/castle, and queen) 5: Skewer (Can be used by bishop, rook/castle and queen 6: Discovery (Can be used by any piece)

What two pieces stand on either sides of the King in a chess game?

The King has a Queen to one side and a Bishop to the other.

What is next to the king in chess?

King on color

What is the chess piece name with 11 letters in its name?

There's not a chess piece with eleven letters . 3 letters - Man 4 letters - King - Pawn - Rook 5 letters - Queen 6 letters - Bishop - Castle - Knight 8 letters - Chessman

What are the six pieces in chess called?

The King, The Queen, Bishop, Pawn, Knight, and Rooks. =)

What is in a castle?

A King and Queen and royal servants