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There are quite a few ways to preform a 3 move checkmate.

1. e2e4 e7e5 2. qh5 ke7 3. qxe5#.

You can also do a reversed colors Fool's Mate.

1. e2e4 f6f7 2. nc3 g7g5 3. qh5#.

(Note: That move 2. nc3 is optional, and can be replaced by anything that doesn't interfere with the queen moving to h5)

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Q: What is the move in chess that take 3 moves that puts you in mate?
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A stalling move which attacks another piece or puts the king in checkTempo in chess is similar to music tempo. a strong example of tempo is if you take your queen out too early, you can spend the next six moves trying to save her the whole time the opponent is advancing troops forward, claiming more land. In the end, though you've moved over and over and over you haven't moved forward, you haven't made progress. Just to catch up youd need that six moves now just to be even with your opponents pace and advancement.

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One of the hints is "what was blacks last move?" Clearly, it was pawn to b5! Using en passent, you move your pawn on a5 to b4. this is checkmate 'cause it puts the king in check with your rook.

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How do you win chess in three moves?

AnswerIf three moves altogether, the only way is any-any-any-resign. The shortest mate is by g4-e5-f3-Qh4 using prevalent notation. That's four moves, two by each, Black winning. there is a better way go to and ask nekochick about chess and shell tell u her secrets.