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The shortest mate is called "Fool's mate" and requires the cooperation (or lack of skill) by the opponent. It requires 5 moves (3+2) for White to mate Black, but only 4 moves (2+2) for Black to mate White.

Fool's mate by White

1. E3 f6

2. * g5

3. Qh5 mate

(*any move except Q-h5 or one that blocks the diagonal for the queen)

Fool's mate by Black

1. f3 e6

2. g4 Qh4 mate

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12y ago
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16y ago


White: F3

Black: E5

White: G4

Black: QH4 Checkmate

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15y ago

Two Moves, also known as the fool's mate (see link). Unless you mean, how can you always guarantee to win (no one can answer that).

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15y ago

A game of Chess can be won in two moves: 1.g4, e5; 2.f3 (or f4), Qh4 checkmate. With white, it takes three moves: 1.e4, g5; 2.d4, f6 (or f5), 3.Qh5 checkmate.

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13y ago

"Fool's Mate :

1. f3 e5

2. g4 Qh4#

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13y ago

It takes a minimum of two moves to check mate in chess.

1. g4 e5

2. f4 Qh4#

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12y ago

For black, two; for white it would take three to get the parallel position.

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13y ago

Pretty sure it's atleast 3

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16y ago

0 moves. (1.White resignes)

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What is the fastest way to checkmate someone in a chess game?

The checkmate requiring the least moves in a chess game is called the "Fool's Mate", and only takes 2 moves. 1. f2f3 e7e5 2. g2g4 qh4#

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There are many possibilities to get a checkmate in 10 moves, so there is not official "10 turn checkmate".

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Are two moves possible in chess?

do you mean 'can you checkmate someone in 2 moves'. Because if so then yes.

What is it called when you win a chess game in 4 moves?

"Two-Move Checkmate" (also known as "Fool's Mate") is the quickest possible checkmate in chess ; example consists of the moves :1. f3 e52. g4?? Qh4#

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Checkmating someone in chess depends on your opponents moves as well as your own. There are far to many combinations of moves available to give you a step by step guide in 14 moves. The minimal amount of moves I know how to make a checkmate is 4 moves using your queen and right side bishop & the single pawn blocking both of their paths.

Least amount of moves to win at chess?

Two : "Fool's Mate" - 1. f3 e52. g4 Qh4#

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A mating attack is a combination of moves designed to achieve checkmate rather than just win pieces.

Who made the least moves in chess?

shortest possible checkmate was 2 move it is unknown who it was but it started with white moving g2 pawn to g4 black moves e7 pawn to e5 white moves f2 pawn to f3 black move queen from d8 to h4 diagonally

The shortest game of Chess can be won in how many moves for one opponent?

The shortest number of possible moves to a checkmate is two moves. This is called fool's mate, though it rarely naturally occurs.

What is the first move in chess called?

The name of the first move played in a game of chess is called the "opening move". There are a total of 20 opening moves that can be played at the start of a chess game. Each pawn has a possibility of moving either one or two steps forward creating 16 possible first moves with a pawn. Both knights have two squares they can move to creating another 4 possible opening moves.

When does a game of chess end?

Their are 4 ways to end a chess game Resignation-The player suddenly notices he is going to lose and gives up Draw-The players agree to a draw, a tie Stalemate-The King cannot move anywhere but is not in check Checkmate-........Checkmate!!!