a false checkmate is when someone calls "checkmate" in a chess game and if you can move without getting out then it is a false checkmate. If they call it you get to go 2 times. :) enjoy your chess game!
The game of chess uses those terms. Chess does checkmate means your in check and you cant get out and stalemate means you have no where you can move
Chess, checkmate is when you have someone in check and they cant get out of it, and stalemate is when a player cant move his peices
Checkmate is a possible outcome for a game of chess.
Yes. Checkmate is the definite end of the game.
The opponent can resign if he thinks his situation is unwinnable, though technically that's just ending the game early before an impending checkmate.
Depends on what you mean. Overall Checkmate the opponents King but throughout the game gain material and space to help achive checkmate.
The chess match lasted over 12 hours. The chess board showed that white was on the verge of checkmate. Chess is a challenging game to master.
Yes. Checkmate is a player's position on the board that places the opponent in such a position that no escape or defense is possible, thus ending the game.
they would say checkmate if the king is trapped and cant get out that usually wins the game
"Two-Move Checkmate" (also known as "Fool's Mate") is the quickest possible checkmate in chess ; example consists of the moves :1. f3 e52. g4?? Qh4#