Gary Anderson achieved an average of 133+ in a match against Arron Monk(including 4 11 darters!).
taylors highest average is 113.36 On April 23rd 2009, Phil Taylor achieved an average in excess of 116 in an 8-3 defeat of John Part in the Sky Sports Premier League Darts in Aberdeen. At the time this constituted the highest ever 3-dart average seen on television. The Power made a world record when he achieved an average of 118.66 in the UK Open in his 9-0 win against Kevin Painter
the quick way is to add up the number od darts to finish the game (incuding 0 scores/missed doubles) then do this some: where: n is the number of darts thrown x is the 3 dart average. X = (501/n) * 3 eg (501/9)*3 = 167
Phil Taylor holds the record for the highest recorded average on television, he had a 3-dart average of 118.66 when he defeated Kevin Painter 9-0 at the 2010 UK Open. The previous record was also set by Phil Taylor in the 2009 Premier League when he averaged 116.01 against John Part.
Thurston Dart was born on September 3, 1921.
Thurston Dart was born on September 3, 1921.
Around 38, average 60 and your district championship material 70+ and your country open contender 80+ then join the bdo 90+ your pdc material
The Strawberry Poison Dart Frog is about half an inch to one inches long.
No, you can only craft, find or buy the dart gun in Fallout 3.
The stomach has an average pH of 2 or 3 this is the highest. Used to break down proteins.
Austin Carr 52.7 (158 points in 3 games), Notre Dame, 1970 41.7 (125 in 3), Notre Dame, 1971