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The Chess playing computer does not explain how it makes it decisions, does not give interviews, does not sign Autographs, and does not do anything other than play chess with superlative skill.

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we can play chess

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Q: What is deep blue chess computer speciality?
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What did the computer deep blue specialize in?

Deep blue specialized in being the first computer to defeat a chess champion at chess when it defeated grand master Gary Kasparov.

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

Who made deep blue chess game?

IBM created the Deep Blue chess computer. Intel provided chips included in the IBM system.

Who beat Gary Kasparov in computer chess?

"Deep Blue"

What is the hardest chess computer available to play?

deep blue

Which company developed chess playing computer called 'deep blue'?


Who was the first human to beat the best computer in chess?

"Deep Blue" defeated chess grand master Garry Kasparov in the May of 1997.

The first computer to defeat a Grandmaster in Chess?

Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov .

What was the first computer to defeat a world champion chess player?

'Deep Blue' defeated chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov in May of 1997 .

Deep blue of IBM defeated chess champion in 1997 .if computer can not thing .how is such defeat possible?

It is true that the computer cannot think but the people who programmed the computer can. So if you take a very powerful computer ( like Deep Blue) and program it very clever then the computer will be very good at chess and can even defeat a world champion.

Chess master Gary Kasparov lost a game to what computer on this day in 1996?

Chess Master Gary Kasparov lost the first game of a six-game match to IBM's chess computer, "Deep Blue" in 1996.

Who defeated deep blue in chess?

Garry Kasparov, then reigning world chess champion, defeated Deep Blue (IBM Super Computer) on February 17, 1996. On May 11, 1997, Deep Blue (nicknamed "Deeper Blue" after significant upgrades following the first match) defeated Kasparov in a rematch. This was the first time a computer system defeated a reigning world chess champion during an official chess tournament rules time-controlled match. Kasparov protested and accused IBM of cheating. IBM refused another rematch and dismantled Deep Blue.