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Q: When playing the game chess do you have to take an opponents piece?
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Related questions

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.

What is a fairy chess piece?

A fairy chess piece is a chess piece not used in conventional chess, but used in certain chess variants and some chess problems. These pieces vary in movement abilities and possible additional properties.

What is the object of a chess game?

To checkmate the opponents king by putting a piece in a position where it could theoretically take the king, and the king cannot move away, block, or take the attacking piece. The game ends without the king actually being taken, however.

Important piece in the game of chess?

the king

At the beginning of a chess game there are more of which piece?


How do you prove your skills in chess?

Improving your skills at chess is an ongoing endeavour - read and study the games of the chess masters , play opponents that are stronger than you , play the game against yourself .

What game are you playing if you capture en passant?

Chess .

In the game of Chess can you be eaten when your in check?

It depends on what type of chess you're playing, if you're playing blitz then you can, but if you're playing standard timing, then you can't unless you're playing special chess like giveaway.

What is analog chess?

As opposed to digital chess, analog chess would be playing with actual, physical pieces on a game board.

What is the most important piece on the chess board?

Each of the chess pieces are important to the game of chess but the most valuable is , of course , the king . The queen , rooks , bishops and knights are also important to the game .Each of these chess pieces have an assigned value :King-invaluableQueen-9Rook-5Knight and Bishop-3Pawn-1

Why is chess considered a game of strategy?

The complex game of chess requires the contemplation of both players using both short (tactics) and long range (strategy) planning with the ultimate goal of capturing the king . Players are , of necessity , required to be intimately acquainted with the different capabilities of each chess piece as well as the intricacies of the playing and winning the game through the experiences that come from both playing and studying the game .

What is some information on the king in the game of chess?

Can only move one space in any direction. Can not touch opponents king. If taken the game is over.