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Rokh is a Persian word meaning Chariot. Today it represents the Castle-shaped piece known as a Rook.

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Q: What does rokh means in chess?
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Who Invented Chess? The inventer of chess is unknown but we do know that it was invented in the 6th century. When chess was invented it was known as "chaturaṅga" which means "Four Divisions"

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Pat means stalemate in Chess. Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves. A stalemate ends the game in a draw.

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The game of chess uses those terms. Chess does checkmate means your in check and you cant get out and stalemate means you have no where you can move

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What does aux echecs mean in french?

It means "Chess". To say "I play Chess", one would say "Je joue aux echecs"

What does axb5 mean in chess?

its means the pawn on the a-file captures something on the b5-square

What the symbol x means in chess?

In algebraic notation of chess, an "x" represents a capture. For example, "Qxe6" would mean that the player's queen captured an enemy piece on e6.

What does controlling squares mean in chess?

Controlling a square means you own it . A "Controlled square" means you can safely occupy a square with a chess-piece or a pawn . A "Mutually controlled square" means that neither side can safely occupy a square and both sides exercise some influence over it .

What is the plural of chess?

The word 'chess' is a singular, uncountable noun. Units of chess are expressed as games of chess tournaments of chess.

What is the plural term for the game of chess?

Chess matches; chess boards; versions of chess.