its means the pawn on the a-file captures something on the b5-square
A "Chess Maven" refers to a person who has special knowledge or experience in chess ; an expert .
Chess is a game that is played internationally .
king of chess
International Master
Knight to
You could HIRE a chess teacher (i mean a human being) but if you buy a chess teacher you may have to go on the internet and search it.
If you mean famous then you are right because chess is famous. It is a game where you need to use your brain to win.
checkerboard, or chess board
The Chinese game tiaoqi literally translates as "jumping chess"(From
when you say corner chess piece, do u mean the piece tht starts in the four corners of the chess board, if so then that is called a rook.
The 'horse' in chess is actually called a knight (N) . I'm not quite sure what you mean by knighted.
Pat means stalemate in Chess. Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves. A stalemate ends the game in a draw.