1. Control or contest the centre of the board.
2. Develop pieces to their optimal squares, beginning with the minor pieces.
3. Safeguard the king, usually by castling.
The kings Indian is a chess opening not a chess piece
There are certain movies in the game of chess that are referred to as chess openings. There is a list of 1,327 moves made by either the white or black pieces that are considered a chess opening.
Information on how to play chess can vary depending on what sort of chess one is referring to. Basic chess instructions can be found online from websites like Intuitor while more advanced chess strategies can be found from websites like ChessCentral.
1.e4 c5
The "opening moves" begin a chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.
The Konstantinopolsky Opening is a rarely played chess opening that begins with the moves:1. e4 e52. Nf3 Nc63. g3
yes it is a very useful opening
No. If there was, the game would be no fun.
Really, it could be called both. Both are correct.