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There are many and this question is a bit too general but ill give it a shot 1) move E2-E4 on ur first move so you take the centre because you have greater mobility in the centre than you do on the side 2) Only make moves that you have a reason to make them, dont make a move just for the sake of making one 3) Castle King-Side early and try to develop your pieces (get them out) early too 4) On every move, look to make sure that your opponent doesnt have a trap for you and if he does, check if it can work or not, if it would then make a move too stop it 5) Practice with someone at your skill level and look over your mistakes, learn from them

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16y ago
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12y ago

Move the pawn in front of the king out one square. This allows your queen and bishop to move if necessary. Move the pawn in front of the rook on the left two spaces. Move the rook the farthest it can go (if pawn has been moved more than two). Break out the horses to protect any loose pawns and make sure your queen and rooks do NOT get taken as they are your valuable pieces (except for the king of course). The best way to checkmate is to force the king into a sticky spot with the rook(s) and/or queen. The pawns aren't extremely helpful except for when they get across to the other side. They can then be promoted to any other piece of your choice. Castling and "en passant" are advanced moves but can prove to be useful in certain circumstances. Well that's all I've got. Good luck!

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14y ago

Castle early, Castle the opposite side and then pawn storm your opponent, be aggressive(many people can't defend against aggressiveness)

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12y ago

To win.

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Q: What are some tips for playing chess?
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The website Chess King Training has a game where you can prove your chess playing skills. There are also some chess products and software that are available for purchase.

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Because Chess is like playing war. The real danger of playing chess is it's military nature.

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How do you go about playing online chess against someone?

Google "Online Chess"

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Take the chess board and start beating them with it.

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No, not necessarily. Being an athlete has nothing to do with playing chess.

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