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There are many benefits to playing Chess as a pastime. The main one being that it is fun. The rules are easy to learn and once you do you can set up and play a game of chess in seconds, especially if you have access to the internet. Another benefit is it is sociable. Many people play chess in clubs or in parks, and it is easy to become part of a team who play chess together in competitions. Another benefit is it helps logical thinking. In order to get good at chess you need to constantly calculate what's going to happen next in a game.

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Q: What are some of the benefits of chess as a pastime?
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Is chess sport or hobby?

This is a very arguable question. Chess can always be considered a hobby, because it's an elected pastime that can be played often, and enjoyably. Although, a lot of people would say chess is not a sport, it actually is considered as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. Some people would disagree with this, as sports are normally required to be physical and entertaining by definition.

What are the good and bad points of chess?

A few good points about chess are that it's mentally healthy because it improves how you think logically, and tactically. It's a relaxing pastime or even a profitable job, if you get good at it. Also, it is socially beneficial, as you can meet some very nice people playing chess. A few bad points about chess are that it's a large time consumer, and requires a lot of practice. It can also become tiresome if played excessively, and can also be very frustrating at some points.

What are the benefits of playing chess?

Studies have shown that playing chess helps improve math skills. Also if you can play chess well you are viewed as a smarter person.

Is it a pass time or a past time activity?

It is pastime, one word. Pastime is a noun, not really an adjective. Pastime activity sounds redundant. A pastime is a hobby, or some other way to spend time, usually pleasantly. Pastime activity sounds a little like 'football sport'.

What is an easy sentence for pastime?

His favorite pastime was playing guitar. In his pastime, John likes to fish. My favorite pastime is playing with cars. My pastime is eating food. Easiest!

Is halo an awesome game?

No, it is a pastime enjoyed by some people.

What are some good chess website?

A good chess website is ChessKid

A fairy chess piece?

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What is the plural form for pastime?

The plural for pastime is pastimes.

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