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Yes. The Knight can move over your pieces or your opponents pieces while making its move, as long as it lands on either an unoccupied square or a square controlled by your opponent's piece.

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13y ago

Yes , the knight may move over the opponent's Chess pieces ~ look to the related link below .

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Q: In the game of Chess can the Knight move over opposition pieces when making a move?
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What are some of the chess pieces?

Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn, King

What kind of chess pieces are there?

Pawn, Bishop, Rook, Knight, King and Queen.

What are all of the pieces in chess?

Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and the King.

What pieces in chess has the power of jumping over pieces in the intervening squares to an unoccupied square within its range of movement?

Only the knight has this power/ability to jump over other chess pieces .

What a chess piece is called-?

Chess pieces as a whole are generally referred to as "pieces" or by there specific type King, Queen, Knight, Rook, Bishop, or Pawn.

What do chess pieces look like and label them?

Below is a related link to how the chess pieces move .

Name all the pieces in chess?

Pawn, King, Queen, castle(rook), Bishop, Knight (horse),

What are the positions of the pieces in a game of chess?

Front row: pawns Back row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook

How do you use the word knight in a sentence?

There are four Knights in a complete set of chess pieces.

What makes the Lord of the Rings chess set different?

The Lord of the Rings chess set is different to a normal chess set. The pieces of the chess set, rook, knight etc, are all featured on Lord of the Rings characters.