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The king is said to be in check.

To get out of check, the opponent must either (1) capture the checking piece, (2) interpose a piece between the checking piece and the king, or (3) move the king out of check.

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Q: In chess when a king is under immediate attack by one or two of the opponents pieces it is said to be in what?
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When are you allowed to touch your opponents piece in chess?

You are allowed to touch one of your opponent's pieces in chess when your piece takes one.

What Game is played on a black and white checkered board similar to a chess board with a board with 100 squares?

The game of Chess is played by two opponents with thirty-two chess pieces , sixteen pieces per opponent , upon a sixty-four square chess board . For the rules by which to play - look to the related link below .

What is a mating attack in chess?

A mating attack is a combination of moves designed to achieve checkmate rather than just win pieces.

How many men are on the broard at the start of a chess game?

Men? I assume you mean pieces. It is an 8x8 board. The two opponents have two rows of 8 pieces. Times two would be 32.

What pieces can kill a king in chess?

Any piece may attack any other opponent's piece using its standard move. In addition, you can choose to attack using En Passant if you have an adjacent pawn and the opponent moves a pawn 2 spaces on its first move.

In the game of Chess can the Knight move over opposition pieces when making a move?

Yes. The Knight can move over your pieces or your opponents pieces while making its move, as long as it lands on either an unoccupied square or a square controlled by your opponent's piece.

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How do you play chess also where do all the pieces go?

to play chess the pieces need to be moved about and take other pieces from your opponent and and they go on a board call a chess board

How did chess start?

Chess started as a much simpler game, which was played around the 12th century. This simpler game involved an 8x8 board (iirc) in which opponents would have 2 rows of pieces. These pieces moved in simple ways and interacted in simple ways. Chess was developed a couple hundred years later, and we've been playing that version ever since, though some spin off versions have been created, like Wizard's chess (played drunk), Grand Wizard's Chess (played drunk and under the influence of a hallucinogen) and Champion's Chess (with 2 new pieces, and a larger 10x10 board.

What is a fairy chess piece?

A fairy chess piece is a chess piece not used in conventional chess, but used in certain chess variants and some chess problems. These pieces vary in movement abilities and possible additional properties.

What do you call those things where you play with on the chess board?

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a red and white chess pieces on a chess board