No, "frisbee" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.
We call'em frisbee too.
Frisbee is a generic trademark (meaning it has come to be synonymous with a certain general product). Other examples of this are Band-Aids or Kleenex. They are all brand names however they are now colloquial with the term medical bandage or tissue. In short, yes, Frisbee would be capitalized as it is a brand name owned by Wham-O.
I wouldn't say 'national championship' but the professional sport of frisbee is 'ultimate frisbee'.
un frisbee is named the same in French.
There is one incorrect possessive in that sentence: it should be "its Frisbee" rather than "it's Frisbee": The children's game was played at the Joneses' house with James's dog and its Frisbee.
· ultimate frisbee
disco volador
Like golf, frisbee golf
I would say now, Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee appear to be growing as beach fun and as a sport every year, with new leagues popping up all across the United States.
Well if you have never played Ultimate Frisbee I think you should try it out, I play with my buds, it's real fun.
フリスビー /fu ri su bii/.