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Frisbee is always capitalized. It's a trademark

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, Frisbee/Frisbees should always be capitalized because it is a trademark name.

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Q: If you say I played frisbee is frisbee capitalized?
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Should frisbee be capitalised?

No, "frisbee" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

How is say frisbee in spanish?

We call'em frisbee too.

Is Frisbee capitalized?

Frisbee is a generic trademark (meaning it has come to be synonymous with a certain general product). Other examples of this are Band-Aids or Kleenex. They are all brand names however they are now colloquial with the term medical bandage or tissue. In short, yes, Frisbee would be capitalized as it is a brand name owned by Wham-O.

Is there a Frisbee national championship?

I wouldn't say 'national championship' but the professional sport of frisbee is 'ultimate frisbee'.

How do you say frisbee in french?

un frisbee is named the same in French.

The children's game was played at the Joneses' house with James's dog and it's Frisbee?

There is one incorrect possessive in that sentence: it should be "its Frisbee" rather than "it's Frisbee": The children's game was played at the Joneses' house with James's dog and its Frisbee.

Sports not played in the Olympic?

· ultimate frisbee

How do you say frisbee in spanish?

disco volador

What sports is golf played in?

Like golf, frisbee golf

When was the frisbee most popular?

I would say now, Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee appear to be growing as beach fun and as a sport every year, with new leagues popping up all across the United States.

What PE games are similar to frisbee?

Well if you have never played Ultimate Frisbee I think you should try it out, I play with my buds, it's real fun.

How do you say Frisbee in Japanese?

フリスビー /fu ri su bii/.