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once(1) don't even know that! i am learning from a national Chess player who has won in Indonesia.belive me and trust me one and all -dhinesh murugan (

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Q: How many times can you do castling method in chess?
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How many advanced tactics are there in chess?

There are 6 types of special moves in chess. This includes: 1. En Passant 2. Castling 3. Fork 4. Pin 5. Skewer 6. Discovery

How many times can a queen move in chess each turn?

Once! Every piece gets to move only once per turn, and only one piece can move every turn, except in castling where the king and the rook move.

How many times has the chess fork been used?

The chess fork is usually used at least once in every chess game. There is not a known number.

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How many times Mr Viswanath Anand won the World Chess Champion Title?

five times

How many times has vishwanath an and won the fide world chess title?

Viswanathan Anand has won the World Chess Championship in 2000, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 .

How many squares are on a chessboard and how did you get the answer?

There are 64 squares on a chess board and you get this from the 8 times 8= 64

How many spaces can a king jump in checkers?

the kings in checkers can jump twice in checkers when the checker piece is on the other side of the board

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How many peaces are in Chinese chess?

there is 8 peaces like chess or chess tortaments

How is chess different from other board games?

Kings in chess are different than kings in feudalism because in feudalism, the king has ultimate power, even though he may sometimes be poor because he gave out too many fiefs to the knights in exchange for protection. However, in chess, the king has almost no power at all; he can only move one space at a time unless the rook is Castling it. (Castling is when one rook has not moved any spaces at all yet, so the king is allowed one extra square to move.) It's also different because the Rook (or Castle) did not really 'attack' people, it just helped defend the king and serfs. (serfs are people almost like slaves, but they own a house and work on a fief for a knight. Their land can never be taken away from them.)

How many times can you put someone in check in chess in a row?

Unlimited, until the fifty move rules is affected.